ContentMatch Community Update Notes 5/23/2024

Last update for May. I hope you all are having a good day.

Everything was going great with app, then everything went left . The app was finished, but the amount of bugs it had, Was unacceptable , I had a serious! talk with my developer(s) and they got the message .

The app in its current state is not ready for production .

So what does that mean ?

It means we have to wait, Its not all sad news .

The extra time allowed me to optimize all of our systems, as well as increase the security / speed

ContentMatch Site : Worked on some major updates to the main site (Makes it look more professional)

Our Forum : Last year I created a forum site ,but it failed because, the format looked horrible and it was confusing .
I’ve added an integration directly between the discord and our forum (still working on that) Being a member of this discord makes you a member of our forum to .

System checks Added a status site, to give us warning if anything shuts down

Newsletter: Users who are on our email list ,will start seeing emails, ( I promise this time :joy: ) .

Currently Being Worked*
Discord Server: Once next week starts, I will finally create a real solution for the onboarding , and attempt to restart our discord server. I’ll be more active and inviting more people
Discord Bot: The discord bot , is not being marketed correctly , so I will have to address that.
Mobile App: Our developer gave us a estimate june 15-30th, but lets see

I am sorry for the delay , on the app , I hate writing these updates.

Thank you for being apart of ContentMatch, Like I said last time . keep holding on !!! the wait will be worth it