[reddit bridge] New Streamer


Hey guys, I just started up a twitch recently (LostSouls16) I’m very new to something like this and my setup right now isn’t all that great, but I’ve been enjoying it so far. If anyone has any tips I’d love to hear them.
I’d like to use my platform as a way to help people connect with eachother and get a sense of belonging in this world. I love helping people in any way possible and I see my streams as a place for people to just chill and chat and also act as a safe haven for anyone. So far I’ve been streaming Risk of Rain 2, and I plan to start streaming other games like Minecraft (console) and stardew valley.
Any and all tips are welcome and appreciated, thank you.

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To visit the original poster source : https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch_Startup/comments/1dd55h5/new_streamer/